em dash. Backslash in text mode. )Formatting Information — An introduction to typesetting with LATEX. documentclass {article} egin {document} $ age 5 $ [6pt] If $ x_1ge x_2 $ then, [6pt] % Use geq command $ mgeq -4 $ m is gerater than or equal. , and of the Regency. So you could presumably get your backslash by typing: \verb=\=. itemize egin {itemize} text to be listed end {itemize} enumerate egin {enumerate} text to be listed end {enumerate} description egin {description} text to be listed end {description}the first ^ has base l and exponent (and the second ^ has base / and exponent 2 I would guess that is not what you intend, but I can not guess what function you did intend – David CarlisleHTML/XML named entity:  , LaTeX: enspace (the LaTeX en space is a no-break space) em space:. What is L AquickguidetoLATEX ATEX? LATEX(usuallypronounced“LAYteck,” sometimes“LAHteck,” and never “LAY tex”) is a format, or collection of macro commands, for TEX, the standard for most professional mathematics and scientificLearning Em Dash Use Strategies and Best Practices. And pm command is present to denote the plus-minus symbol in latex. \verb* or \begin {verbatim*} – to make whitespace visible. If you or your company would like to sponsor improvements to LaTeX rendering in Dash, get in touch with our advanced development team. Output : You need to use imath and jmath instead of unit vectors i and j. To show a sudden interruption in quotations and reported speech, use 2 em dashes in a row. cap. This is not a comprehensive list. Em Dash 對應中文的「破折號」(影片 00:52~),是三者裡面最長的符號,它的用途,簡單來說,是用來連結不同的句子或是句中的不同部分,特別用在表示想法的延伸或轉變。 (更多 Em Dash 使用細節,安排於接下來的影片,希望後續收到影片上線通知的英文學習者,歡迎訂閱我的 email newsletter,收到. They are quad and qquad. Inserting an en-dash in Latex. Which will be converted to three non-breaking spaces by your LaTeX software. Depending on the context, the en dash is read as “to” or “through. LaTeX下 连字符(hyphen)、连接号(en dash)、破折号(em dash) 存在不同的表现形式和使用方法。 以下参考英文破折号(em dash)、连接号(en dash)与连字符(hyphen)的区别及各自用法是什么? - 功夫 熊猫 - 博客园. Em dashes are used to replace commas, parentheses, colons, and semicolons. However when I type extendash, I *do* get an en-dash. ] For example, He said he had it under control—I could see that wasn't true. Use 2 em dashes for some quoted speech and deliberate omissions in text. And you can use this command in either math mode or text mode. You're set! Now you can quickly make an em or en dash in any app. You can do several things. documentclass {article} %Defining my short hyphen with name mhyphen %as an ordinary (mathord) math symbol. Notice especially line 5: "s—-" where the "s" is lopped off and the em-dash is followed by a hyphen. documentclass {article} egin {document} [. Symbol. In any software program that handles text, the em dash can be typed on an enhanced keyboard as Alt + ( 0 1 5 1 )—that is, hold down the "alternate" key and type, using the numerical pad on the right side of the keyboard, the numbers 0151. documentclass {article} egin {document} [ vec {p} ] end {document} Output :An em-dash is typically used as a stand-in for a comma or parenthesis to separate out phrases—or even just a word—in a sentence for various reasons (e. 6 On the use of em dashes. LogoutAppositives can also be set apart by parentheses or em dashes when they come at the end of a sentence. \lambda. Is there a way to make it look right?En Dash. This depends on the font, If I use SimSun (as I had used it in a previous answer) I see no gap if I use the input you show (2 em dashes) I do see a gap if I use the classic TeX input -----Unicode 6. Typing “---” prints just three hyphens, \emdash{} doesn’t print anything at all, escaping the listings environment does print the em-dash, but it creates trouble with the string formatting: The space characters are. In formal writing, an em dash is the width of an m and longer than both a hyphen and an en dash. [4] 3. Sorry. The em-dash (—) The em-dash is normally twice as long as the n-dash; its length is equal to the width of the letter m, whence the name. 7. The ar and overline commands. dash instead of author name in repeated refs Topic is solved. Unlike parentheses, which tend to minimize, dashes tend to emphasize the set-off text (i. A hyphen (-) is a punctuation mark that’s used to join words or parts of words. a dated 29 August 2015). @Karl: Wrt. In order to have an em-dash displayed within a figure, the "Interpreter" property of the text should to be set to "LaTeX" and the equivalent LaTeX command "---" should be typed. Use an en dash to indicate a range, for example ‘rows 1–10’. user448810 user448810. The. Share. 1514–1577). ewcommand*{iiemdash}{% 2em dash ule[0. 4Binary operators. But I think it's okay, because the text was very high quality. Then you understand that for double prime you have to use the symbol or command twice at the same time. The trouble is the em-dash, which I can’t set in the listings environment. A programming tool that I use (coqdoc) generates LaTeX documentation from my source code. With --, there is a feasible break points, because the ligature ends with the default hyphen character. In proper typesetting, these should be dashes, either En Dashes (U+02013) "–" or Em Dashes (U+02014) "—". (Image credit: Tom's Guide) 2. However this switch mechanism works only for latex. This gives the usual en-dash. So you need to. 2-em dash 用来表示单词拼写不全,或名字的省略,或粗话的省略,或无法识别的字迹等。. em-dash. TeX 中,由于历史原因,em dash 不能直接输入(ASCII 没有为其分配码位),取而代之是用---输入。 在中西文混排的环境里,直接输入的 U+2014 会被 xeCJK 解释为中文破折号(的一半)并使用中文字体显示,而使用 --- 输入的仍然会被作为 em dash 并使用西文字体输出。Here's an example for binding the control sequence dash to the input character "—"; i. 03/25/03. Catherine Traffis. The en dash is the width of an uppercase N — half the size of the em dash. According to MS Word, 2210 is a hyphen, 2012 is a dash, 2013 is an en dash, 2014 is em dash. 1): Even in English writing, many style guides recommend to use an en-dash surrounded by spaces in places where the (American) writer would commonly use an em-dash: [. I've noticed that -- isn't automatically translated to an en-dash when I use that font. On OS X, Option + Shift + -will do the same. Hair space with em dash left — right No space with em dash left—right Computing applications Programming languages. LaTeX Usage Notes. tom-a-horrocks on Apr 4, 2018. Name and Output. I think the OP's objective is to find a way to permit LaTeX to hyphenate words that precede or follow an em-dash. ice-cream). You do not need to use any package to write the lambda symbol in LaTeX, just use the default lambda. — Em dash: used to introduce a phrase or subclause that clarifies the previous phrase. It works fine when using a unicode em dash, or explicitly using the \\textemdash macro. With mathpazo all characters are roughly at the same height, but the hyphen is still a tad thicker. The latex commands are: Hyphen: -En-dash: \textendash; Em-dash: \textemdash; With the latter two, you will likely want to append {}, because they swallow following space. Um editor de LaTeX online fácil de usar. All the predefined mathematical symbols from the TeX package are listed below. Defined in the June 2021 release of LaTeX. In every page title on tex. The underscore character is usually used to write a subscript in Math mode in latex, so it is not possible to print this character directly in the document. Latex command. They also, of course, are used when words are broken across two lines. From version 2. The main use of em dashes is to set off extra information in a sentence. @SherylHohman A hyphen (-) is a punctuation mark that's used to join words or parts of words. Hyphens can be inserted in certain places to split a word between two lines; see an example on the right. densely dashed and loosely dotted. I read on the Xetex page that this is because some fonts other than Computer Modern do not have the ligatures to make this. - is really horrible and the dashed line cannot even be represented this way (-- is the en-dash). How to type Hyphen, En-dash, and Em-dash in LaTeX? Read More » An unspaced em dash won’t automatically break over a line. . But latex does not seem to have anything longer than emdash. In all of these instances, insert the line. . between these two lines of code. How to type Hyphen, En-dash, and Em-dash in LaTeX? Our main objective is to teach you LaTeX in a very easy way. I process the markdown file with the -S option with. 04/02/03. Otherwise, look for an “insert symbol” command. Skip to content. g. clause-per-line, inconsistent em-dash spaces: The food ---which was. Another way to put it: Dashes are OK in situations where parentheses would also be acceptable, as in my second example, and probably also in your original example. How to type Hyphen, En-dash, and Em-dash in LaTeX? Our main objective is to teach you LaTeX in a very easy way. Apr 23, 2014 at 0:40. (They’re called. turn a sequence of 3 hyphens " --- " into an em-dash "—". I have noticed that the length of an em dash is not always uniform, depending upon the font being used. Joined: Wed Feb 08, 2012 1:54. doncherry. TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. In this chapter we will tackle matters related to input encoding, typesetting diacritics and special characters. ”. Logout. The en and em dashes appear on the bottom row. Underscore. The symbol size adapts to the current math style. With --, there is a feasible break points, because the ligature ends with the default hyphen character. The following code examples show how to use the most common types of lists you’re going to use in your document. (Pedantic note: this happens only if the \hyphenchar parameter for the current font is the hyphen. What I would like is a proper hyphenation of the two words attached to each em-dash, and---if necessary---to use the em-dash itself as a "hyphen" (no additional hyphen necessary if the line break occurs at the em-dash). There are many different types of integrals and the LaTeX amsmath package provides us with the various commands to typeset them as shown in the table below : LaTeX command. Example. This is because these older engines only support a fixed set of sizes—between 5 and 17 point. Corrected LaTeX em-dashes (from 4 to 3). g. The word-processing program may form this automatically when two hyphens are typed together. The long dash is the widest of the three horizontal marks that may be used in the middle of a sentence. Dashes are often used informally instead of commas, colons and brackets. documentclass {article} egin {document} [ ho^+ , ho^- , ho^0 ] [ ho=frac {m} {V. This allows line breaks after em-dashes and en-dashes, which has always been the behavior of plain TEX, LATEX, LuaTEX, etc. Visually, the difference in these punctuation marks is in their length: hyphen: –. An em dash or pair of dashes often sets off illustrative or amplifying material introduced by such phrases as for example, namely, and that is, when the break in continuity is greater. There is a difference between -- and \-- as well as --- and \---. On a Mac, you type an em dash by holding down the shift and option keys while pressing hyphen (-). Inserting an em-dash in Latex; Spaces and dashes; How to use an Em Dash (—) Properly. Suppose I write p as a vector here. Manually declare the valid hyphenation points for the word preceding the ---. 6 I am preparing a poster based on a specific template I have to use. –The em dash is the width of an uppercase M. @Francesco -- looking at the bit out output you show, even if the em dash goes to a new line, the line ending with "proliferation" will be overfull, so it would probably be better to allow hyphenation within that word. ) On the other hand, extendash is essentially equivalent to char21 and since this has nothing to do with the hyphen character, no break. How to type Hyphen, En-dash, and Em-dash in LaTeX? Our main objective is to teach you LaTeX in a very easy way. So, like so: —. It is accompanied by practical implementation of code and output, so that the depth of knowledge increases. Diacritical marks may appear above, below, or within a letter, or between two letters. They are used for, respectively, hyphenation and joining words, indicating a range, punctuation, and a mathematical symbol. I am using the natbib package with a bibliography style close to humannat, (I have changed it in only one place), and I would like to get a long dash instead of the full author name in multiple references where the author is the same. documentclass{article} % Preamble egin{document} % Body end{document}Of course, you could also set up new new unit as follows: DeclareSIUnit {mmmrad} {mm extrm {-}mrad} Note the use of extrm to get a short "dash" symbol rather than a long "math minus" symbol. For using Hyphen (-), En-dash (–), and Em-dash (—) symbols in documents, LaTeX provides you with some default commands by which you can use these symbols wherever you need them. 1. --or ---. However, this does not allow line. First, you can press the ' key on the keyboard, and second, you can use the default prime command of latex. What I would like is a proper hyphenation of the two words attached to each em-dash, and---if necessary---to use the em-dash itself as a "hyphen" (no additional hyphen necessary if the line break occurs at the em-dash). In LaTeX, ---is an em dash. The MWE below shows what I’ve tried so far. Another beautiful dash defined as a symbol. There is also the param escapeMapFn to modify the mapping of escaped characters, so you can add/modify/remove your own escapes if necessary. , by typing '-', '--', or '---'), The single minus — the hyphen — appears. An en dash is a midsize dash (longer than a hyphen but shorter than an em dash) that is mostly used to show ranges in numbers and dates. Example. The largest dash is the "punctuation dash", and you use three consecutive dashes to create it, something like this: "He came in the room ---. LaTeX. Tip 2: Dashes in LaTeX. LaTeX provides a default command to print this character in text mode, which is extbackslash. ”. The babel package cares this difference so that ---prints a shorter emdash if russian is the current language. Many word processors will automatically insert an em dash when you type a pair of hyphens. No. pauza). Using em dashes instead of parentheses puts the focus on the information between the em dashes. If you had not used French,. lambda → λ. And as an indicator of interruption, like thi— The Em Dash: An Introduction. 1 Hyphens says that em dash can be generated by inserting three dashes in a row: --- . In Word, you’ll hold down Shift+ Option+minus rather than the Ctrl+Alt+minus mentioned above. en dash (medium, width of "N"), em dash (long, width of "M"). @barbarabeeton: Thanks, I have now added three OpenType math fonts that are supported by package unicode-math. So you need to use the \textunderscore command to print this or you can use \_ this too. Apostrophe, open-single-quote, close-single-quote, are all different characters, but ascii over loaded apostrophe onto close-single-quote (I think). The original text has nothing to do with LaTeX and therefore --and ---are needed to be written as they are, as opposed to being converted to en and em dashes. imath and. asked Jul 21, 2011 at 12:22. $. 2. The missing one in that sequence, 2011, isn’t represented in the ‘standard’ or ‘normal’ font set, for that code, as far as. LaTeX. It is accompanied by practical implementation of code and output, so that the depth of knowledge increases. — –. 8 em). documentclass {article} usepackage {MnSymbol} egin {document} [ ABC dashleftarrow 123 ] [ XYZ dashleftarrow 123 ]. Jaraqui. It is a versatile punctuation mark that can take the place of commas, parentheses, colons, and semicolons in sentences. It is accompanied by practical implementation of code and output, so. For example, to have "x-hat" displayed in the X-Label, do the following:twenty-five. This is as a result of the default font encoding OT1. org. There should be no space between the en dash and the adjacent material. Contents. First, it may be used to indicate a range—of numbers, of distances, or of times—between two terms. The em dash is perhaps the most versatile punctuation mark. Graph but it does provide a component for rendering LaTeX expressions. The intersection defines the common section between the two sets. It is accompanied by practical implementation of code and output, so that the depth of knowledge increases. TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for users of TeX, LaTeX, ConTeXt, and related typesetting systems. a + a' → a + a'. Open jfbu opened this issue Dec 7,. MWE: documentclass[12pt, letterpaper]{scrbo. Of course, if you are going to use this a lot, you can define a new command to simplify the writing. So you need to use the extunderscore command to print this or you can use \_ this too. tfm` . From a graphic design perspective, I think it looks better, just in case different dashes occur on the same line. Colons are to be used if the real information is after the item, as in the song challenge example. I'm writing a thesis in Lyx and I'm using the Courier font. For a range of numbers use the en dash "--" as in 2--8 (named because it is as wide as n). An en-dash is generally used in two situations. Load the babel package and use \allowhyphens---. 1) Specify math font as setmathfont {XITS Math} (I'm on a linux system and that is the name of the font my system reports) and 2) Adding usepackage {bm} AFTER setting the math font. Compatibility issue: Most existing markdown implementations don’t do these substitutions (at least by default), so if CommonMark would require such. lambda. Use the WORD JOINER Unicode character ⁠ on either side of your hyphen, or em dash, or any character. You could also define varemdash in a similar context: ewcommand {varemdash} [1] [10pt] {% makebox [#1] {leadershbox {---}hfillkern0pt}% } if this is your default usage. Em Dash Examples And Keyboard Shortcuts For The Long Dash. documentclass{article} % Preamble egin{document} % Body end{document}LaTeX. documentclass{article} % Preamble egin{document} % Body end{document}The Dash. These horizontal lines between the words are hyphens (Unicode point U+002D "Hyphen-minus"). Like a colon, an em dash introduces a clause that explains or expands upon something that precedes it. The styles of biblatex-chicago do not know that option and do not allow you to turn the dash off easily. The em dash can function like a comma, a colon, or parenthesis. The hyphen is half the size of the en dash. Place a manual hyphenation in the word preceding the em-dash - sometimes Latex will break it there. But when you want to use more than one character as a superscript then you have to enclose the characters in curly brackets {}. LogoutWhen I add --input-encoding=utf-8 --output-encoding=utf-8 (that's the default output encoding, I think) to my docutils command-line, I see boxes in my browser where the em-dashes should be. If you need help contact [email protected]、En Dash 与 Em Dash -分割线- 如果你想与我进一步交流,关注公众号“ 学英语那点事 ”关注后就可以找到我啦,我还建立了一个大学生英语学习社群( 英语角 ),群里都是对英语充满热情的小伙. For using Hyphen(-), En-dash(–), and Em-dash(—) symbols in documents, LaTeX provides you with some default commands by which you can use these symbols wherever you need them. You don’t have to take any external package for this. 2. However, two en-dashes yield one em-dash. Use the Emoji Menu: First, open the emoji menu by pressing Windows+Period (". Latexhelp. . (To be honest, I proofed the first 250 pages in detail, and then just checked the remainder for formatting. Observe that this is a LaTeX issue, not a BibTeX issue. I am typesetting a book in Russian language and I noticed that, in some cases, an overfull box appears which cannot be solved via manual \hyphenation or \linebreak or even \emergencystretch, because an em-dash is causing it. In LaTeX, the en dash is required between two numbers, but LaTeX also gives a way to enter them. There are two ways to print the prime symbol in a latex document. If you use the amsmath package, you could employ its obreakdash macro to insert a dash or en-dash after which no line break is allowed. ) 03/27/03. 4 Spaces around em-dash By default, the half-space is inserted before and after em-dash. See Special LaTeX characters for some more information. The em dash is a great way to make a sentence more interesting while adding clarity to topics that may otherwise be confusing; it also helps make the writing stand out from the rest. 2 Graphic Parameters: Dash Pattern of the manual (for version 3. 3. The common “hyphen”. The en dash is a symbol (–) that is slightly wider than a hyphen (-). A hyphen is not a dash—it is a character for specific purposes. e. The most common types of dashes are the en dash (–) and the em dash (—). Find out how to type em dashes, when to use them, and see the difference between an em dash vs. In Spanish, the en-dash is not widely used although, due to English influence, its use has become rather common nowadays. How to type Hyphen, En-dash, and Em-dash in LaTeX? Our main objective is to teach you LaTeX in a very easy way. The latex commands are: Hyphen: - En-dash: extendash; Em-dash: extemdash; With the latter two, you will likely want to append {}, because they swallow following space. These listings and proofs are rather math-heavy, and thus are not wrapped in verbatim or lstlistings. name. Adding the suffix ize to an adjective can make it scandalous. 2Unary operators. If you have styles that called for explicitly using a separator that wasn't an en dash, it'd be helpful. I’m new to Dash and am trying to see what options there are for rendering LaTeX code. x \] \ [ \lambda (x-a) \] \ [ \lambda\left (\frac {1} {x}\right. In Polish typography dash (pol. The tilde (/ ˈ t ɪ l d eɪ,-d i,-d ə, ˈ t ɪ l d /) ˜ or ~, is a grapheme with a number of uses. Anyway: I'm not sure what you're actually asking. Use 2 em dashes for some quoted speech and deliberate omissions in text. Many word processors will automatically insert an em dash when you type a pair of hyphens. You can find the em dash in the symbol drop-down menu in Microsoft Word. Write an em dash. For example, to have "x-hat" displayed in the X-Label, do the following:TeX/LaTeX: Type a hyphen, -. Hold down the Alt key, press 0 1 5 1 on the numeric pad, and then release the Alt key. 4pt}} However, I compared that to the em-dash (---) and find that they are not on the same height: @Dr. Load the babel package and use allowhyphens---. The verb version would work, but would change the font. To achieve that, I changed the delimiter to " --- " in the citation style file (. automatic formating - dashes. text. 2. The en and em dashes appear on the bottom row. 通常英文寫作的 Dash 指的就是 Em Dash,也就是中文的「破折號」:連結不同句子,而 Hyphen (連字號) 則是用來連結單字,它們的規模不同。連接號英文是 En Dash,用來代替 to 這個介系詞,最常看到用來連結數字,像是履歷表的工作時間。 A hyphen is usually very short (it has its own Unicode character, but you can use the hyphen-minus instead because it looks the same), a minus is of the same width as the decimal digits (and is sometimes a little bit higher than the others), an en-dash takes approximately the width of the letter “N” or “n”, and an em-dash takes. 等价于中文破折号(Many influencing factors—temperature, reaction time, type of catalyst—were screened) 例外:其他英语语法有规定的解释性同位语不使用Em dash,如非限定性定语从句。 使用 En dash(中号横线)的情况 This will insert the em dash symbol into your Word document. They are. > > I hope these come through in whatever encoding email uses these days. It only takes a minute. . Aug 29, 2013 at 17:57. and similar versions would work, using braces to prevent the ligature. \iiiint. LaTeX provides a command to print the h-bar symbol in a LaTeX document, which is hbar. and the em-dash (—), which is the width of the letter "m". It is interesting to speculate how you would get an example of a verbatim environment into a document. 7. The food, which was delicious, reminded me of home. Observe that this is a LaTeX issue, not a BibTeX issue. Dot notation for derivative of a vector in LaTeX. The rho symbol is a popular symbol in physics that represents density. . e. To define a hyphen for use as part of a hyphenated name in a macro, I used the command defmymathhyphen { {hbox {-}}}. 2k 31 31 gold badges 165 165 silver badges 233 233 bronze badges. Theta is a very popular symbol used in mathematics. Inserting an em-dash in Word; 2. tfm > cmlh10. It only takes a minute to sign up. I would be grateful for any suggestions. The em dash—so called because in traditional typesetting it was the length of a capital M—is often known by its more pedestrian, non-alphabetical name, the long dash. Example. In a Microsoft Word document, choose Insert in the Menu bar. Solution for older releases. School is based on the three R’s—reading, writing, and ’rithmetic. In Chicago style, these are just two or three em dashes run together, but in the AMA style manual, they appear to have a thin space between the em dashes. One could make the -character active and define it to perform the task you are asking for, but this, IMHO, would be a very bad idea, since the -character is used in a lot. dashleftarrow → ⇠. en dash: –. sentence-per-line, no em-dash spaces: The food---which was delicious---reminded me of home. g. 8. There are also other packages that allow you to print intersection symbols in documents. Type this sign on Mac, press and hold the Command (⌘) key and the hit the M key. Use the em dash to denote a break in a sentence: ‘He was running, Watson—running desperately’. The latex commands are: Hyphen: -En-dash: extendash; Em-dash: extemdash; With the latter two, you will likely want to append {}, because they swallow. This behavior can be changed with option usepackage[wordspacearound]{extdash} or usepackage[nospacearound]{extdash}LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `OT1/cmr/m/n' in size <142. These can be inserted using -, -- and ---. Of course, some may prefer the HTML markup method, where they can use it. (To be honest, I proofed the first 250 pages in detail, and then just checked the remainder for formatting. I need something that's just right, in. The above shortcuts are all valid ways you can use to type the em dash in Word. You should never insert a hyphen manually to break a word; all modern word processors include an English dictionary and are able to. the . Its primary use is as a diacritic (accent) in combination with a base letter but, for historical reasons, it is also used in standalone. This time-honoured literary device is supported by LaTeX and in this help article we explain the main footnote-related commands and provide a range of examples to demonstrate their use. See how it works on Vimeo . So you could presumably get your backslash by typing: verb==. Against all odds, Pete—the unluckiest man alive—won the lottery. The \defaultfontfeatures {Ligatures=TeX} command takes care of this as well. documentclass {article} egin {document} [ ^circ C ] [ {25}^circ C ] end {document}Introduction to LaTeX's main footnote commands. For example: The home team won the game by a final score of 28–14. How to type Hyphen, En-dash, and Em-dash in LaTeX? Our main objective is to teach you LaTeX in a very easy way. The 2010–2011 season was our best yet. Use an en dash to indicate a range, for example ‘rows 1–10’. Sem instalação, colaboração em tempo real, controle de versões, centenas de templates LaTeX e mais. The en dash derives its name from the fact that it is meant to be the same width as the letter N. Rule #5. The documentation states that if babelshorthands = true, then "--- is rendered as em dash. As shown above, em dashes are often left unspaced when used in this way. E. For using Hyphen(-), En-dash(–), and Em-dash(—) symbols in documents, LaTeX provides you with some default commands by which you can use these symbols wherever you need them. It is similar in appearance to the hyphen but is longer and sometimes higher from the baseline. Here is a MWE: documentcl. tfm` . An en-dash (option-hyphen) is the proper punctuation for specifying a range, and is a little wider than a regular hyphen. . For example, if a 'b' comes before the dash or a '6' comes after, the dash looks like it's actually touching the character unless you zoom way in. The em-dash (—) The em-dash is. Insert an em dash in Scrivener for Mac with a shortcut. I think it's generally accepted that it's also OK to insert a line break immediately after an em-dash. You can purchase a license here: Buy Detexify for Mac.